
A Seed Called “Yes, We Can”

When President Barack Obama ran his first campaign, he did so on the platform of “Yes, We Can”. He planted a seed in our hearts and minds that has sprouted and continues to produce more seeds of hope and calls to action. “Yes, We Can” spoke to us on so many levels, nationally, as a community, and individually. During his administration, lots of businesses started up, many people enrolled in colleges across the country. We saw many people come out of their shell and begin to thrive and hope as they never had before. Many people, in essence, woke up and began moving.

Not to say that there haven’t been movements before, but that phrase, “Yes We Can”, spoke to so many different people that it has been translated into different movements.  It spoke to black people, to women, to black women, to young people.

We can say that Black Panther is one of the fruits of that seed that was planted.  Here is a film that was produced, directed, and starred black people, and not just any black people, but rather dark skinned black people.  That is very significant because to this day, dark-skinned black people have been shunned in so many industries and communities.  The excellence of the entire production is a testament to the fact we can, that we are able and capable of greatness in spite of what we as a people have been conditioned to believe, and accept, for generations.

More and more women are rising up too.  Yes, I know what you’re thinking; the women’s movement began a long time ago with the Women’s Liberation movement. But it’s different today. The movement has evolved.  Today women are not putting up with the disrespect from those men who seem to think that we are mere objects for their entertainment and pleasure.

Women are not considering themselves or allowing themselves to be considered as the weaker sex.  We’ve come too far in terms of education and financial prowess. We’ve come too far in terms of experience, skills and overall gutsiness.

I love that children and teenagers are rising up and lifting their voices in opposition to those who would rather sweep atrocities under the rug all in the name of financial gain.  And this is because “Yes, We Can” resonates with them as well.  They won’t remain silent just because older folks insist that they are too young to understand, in spite of the fact that they are going to school and actively engaging in their educational progress.  And now they are ready to knock those old eagles off of their perch, and I am rooting for them.

Change is a process, not an event.  It is not something that just happens overnight or instantaneously.  It is a process that has been going on for a long time and I believe that we are finally seeing the fruits.  My concern is keeping the momentum going for the future generations, making sure that these changes are long-lasting changes and that we don’t revert back.  It is also my hope that as we get older, that we don’t become like those old eagles who would prefer to sit on their lofty perches while erroneously thinking that whatever happens down below will never affect them.