Faith, Thoughts

The connection between being blessed and being a blessing

I was having a conversation with my bestie. We were discussing another friend who is resting in her blessing, or rather she is resting in the shade of her children’s blessing.

She is retired and one could say that she is living her best life. Not having to deplete one’s savings on major bills like rent is a plus in anyone’s book.

The problem that we saw with her and many others like her is that she knows she is blessed but that knowledge does not empower her to be a blessing. She limits herself to what her eyes see, by that I mean that she “hems and haws” when it’s time to part with money. She worries about what she can do based on what she sees that she has. In other words, she lives by sight and not by faith.

There are many people like that. They say they have faith and they expect to be continually blessed but they don’t understand that in order to be able to receive more blessings, you have to be willing to let go of what you already possess. It is not possible to grab hold of something with clenched fists holding on to something else.

Blessings don’t necessarily have to be about money. It can be many other inanimate objects and it could be people. Some people hold on to bad relationships because they believe they won’t have another friend ever again. But the same rule applies, you have to be willing and have faith to empty a space for something or someone better to fill it.

The only way to be certain that you are truly blessed is to take action. Don’t just live life as the noun “blessed”, passively resting in the state of being blessed, but engaging in the action verb “to bless”, taking action, showing yourself and others what being blessed allows you to do.

Recognizing that you are blessed, that all of your bases are covered, that someone has your back, should empower you to want to help someone else with more than just thoughts and prayers. Recognizing that you are blessed should fuel you with the drive and passion, knowing with faith, that your coffers will always be full.

It’s more than seeing the glass as half full or half empty, it’s recognizing that there is always something in the glass. And if you can see yourself as always having something, always having your needs met, then you will never be fearful of giving, of letting go, of freeing yourself and opening up to be a blessing to someone else. You will never think of your giving as a loss.