Faith, Thoughts

Appreciating and Embracing the Sisterhood

Lately I’ve been enjoying the company of my Sisters. When I say sisters, I don’t just mean those with whom I share a blood or marriage connection (I have five natural sisters, four sister-in-laws and a lot of female cousins whom I love dearly). I am also referring to those women that have become an integral part of my life as I move forward on the path we all know as life. They are family.

I’m sure that most women have a sisterhood, or sorority, without thinking of the role it plays in our lives.  We commonly refer to them as our girlfriends.  These are ladies with whom we share our life experiences with and usually get feedback with a sisterly, and sometimes motherly, perspective.

With these ladies I find myself growing emotionally and psychologically stronger. I find that I am stretched in ways that benefit me and allows me to continue to mature, to grow and continue on my personal path to becoming.

It’s always nice to get together with women with whom you can be yourself, without judgement, without negative criticism, and certainly with minimal drama.

For some of us, it takes years to establish a solid sorority. Many women have had the same group of friends since elementary school, junior high school, high school, and even college. Some have come together much later in life. Not every woman qualifies to be a part of your inner circle. Not every woman is mature enough to be able to handle the responsibility of that level of intimacy. Trustworthiness is a product of maturity, and maturity plays a big part of the sisterhood; the last thing you want are loose lips divulging information that was shared in confidence.

The relationship between sisters is reciprocal. You and your Sisters should encourage, uplift, and strengthen each other, allowing each one the space to flourish and spread their wings. You and your Sisters should also be able to admonish each other when necessary without the intention of being hurtful. We all need women who can lovingly check us when necessary.

It’s also good for your sorority to be diverse, not just in terms of race, culture and profession, but also age. Older sisters have the wisdom of experience to provide guidance and point out the potholes and speed bumps on the road ahead, while younger sisters provide a fresh perspective in tune with the current times. This balance enables you to stay current and grounded without losing yourself to fading trends.

I love my Sisters and I cherish their presence in my life, whether they are here for a season or for a lifetime.