
But Jesus

Bebe Winans led worship yesterday at Christian Cultural Center (CCC), as he has done on many occasions in the past. Bebe just released his new album entitled Need You. He ministered to us with a sampling from this album with tracks like Laughter, Come To The Water, and In Jesus Name.

It’s amazing how a song, a spoken word, a production of some sort, can speak to your heart and minister to your soul, and remind you that you are more than lucky, you are blessed with purpose, a reason for being, regardless if you are not sure what that purpose is or not.

Last year, around this time, I came close to departing this realm of existence. I was experiencing a lot of pain in my right lung. The pain was sharp and made it very difficult to breathe, especially while trying to sleep. I would have to be in a seated position to take the pressure off my lungs in order to get some shut-eye. I finally had enough and decided to go to the Emergency Room (ER), which is just a few blocks from my home. Normally, I would not consider a doctor visit for a little pain. I pain pill, a cup of tea and a bit of rest usually alleviates issues of that sort, but in this instance Wisdom dictated that I seek help. I sat in the ER for several hours. After X-rays and a CAT scan, the ER doctor told me that she was glad I came in when I did. It turned out that I had three blood clots in my right lung and if left unchecked, they could have travelled to my heart or my brain causing a heart attack or a stroke. I was admitted and stayed in the hospital for two nights while being administered blood thinners to breakup the clots.

My faith in Jesus has seen me through many ups and downs. There have been broken relationships, long-term goodbyes to loved ones, self-doubt, as well as those tough, introspective, “be honest with yourself” moments that drive you to your knees. It has seen me through a few “about to meet my maker” moments. These are the types of situations that have made me stop and recognize that if it were not for Jesus, I may not be here because these are the moments in which I’ve usually found myself alone.

Jesus said that He will never leave us or forsake us and he has proven that to me time and again.