Faith, Thoughts

My New York and COVID-19: Week 1

I’ve been working from home and keeping myself isolated for two weeks since the corona virus issue escalated in the US.  Technically I’ve been officially isolated for one week since Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order mandating New Yorkers to stay home went into effect March 22 at 8:00 p.m. I am a very introverted person.  I… Read More My New York and COVID-19: Week 1

Faith, Thoughts

Appreciating and Embracing the Sisterhood

Lately I’ve been enjoying the company of my Sisters. When I say sisters, I don’t just mean those with whom I share a blood or marriage connection (I have five natural sisters, four sister-in-laws and a lot of female cousins whom I love dearly). I am also referring to those women that have become an… Read More Appreciating and Embracing the Sisterhood

Faith, Thoughts

The connection between being blessed and being a blessing

I was having a conversation with my bestie. We were discussing another friend who is resting in her blessing, or rather she is resting in the shade of her children’s blessing. She is retired and one could say that she is living her best life. Not having to deplete one’s savings on major bills like… Read More The connection between being blessed and being a blessing

Faith, Thoughts

Life in the place where faith and anxiety intersects

Many people think that having a bit of anxiety means you have no faith.  This is far from the truth.  It’s not a lack of faith that causes anxiety.  Anxiety comes as a result of the love you have for family and friends, people you care about.  It is the outcome of the myriad of… Read More Life in the place where faith and anxiety intersects

Español, Faith

Creciendo en fe, conocimiento y tormentas de nieve

Hace varios años, cuando era mucho más joven en mi fe, sin conocimiento y comprensión, tuve una experiencia con otra persona de la misma fe que aparentemente se veía a sí misma mejor que yo, al menos así es como lo interpreté. Hubo una tormenta de nieve, ciertamente no fue la peor tormenta que golpeó… Read More Creciendo en fe, conocimiento y tormentas de nieve

Faith, Thoughts

Growing in Faith, Knowledge, and Snowstorms

Several years ago when I was a lot younger in my faith, lacking knowledge and understanding, I had an experience with another person of the same faith who apparently saw herself as better than me, at least this is how I interpreted it then. There was a snowstorm, certainly not the worst storm to hit… Read More Growing in Faith, Knowledge, and Snowstorms

Faith, Thoughts

A Brief Retrospective

When I was in middle school, there was a program that was instituted in my school district for computer programming. It was a pilot program that introduced us to data programming and processing and inter-network communications. I was selected to be a part of the program along with a few other students who had high… Read More A Brief Retrospective

Español, Faith

Ayunar: lo que significa para mí

La temporada de Cuaresma comenzó el Miércoles de Ceniza, que cayó en el Día de San Valentín este año y finaliza el Viernes Santo. La cuaresma es cuando muchos creyentes de la fe cristiana participan en el ayuno durante 40 días para acercarse a Dios, para ser más sensibles a su espíritu y su voz.… Read More Ayunar: lo que significa para mí


Fasting – What it means to me

The Lent season began on Ash Wednesday, which fell on Valentine’s Day this year and ends on Good Friday.  Lent is when many of the Christian faith engage in fasting for 40 days in order to get closer to God, to be more sensitive to His spirit and His voice. When you fast, you are… Read More Fasting – What it means to me